Elder Clifford took one of his dad's and his brother's mission badges to the NHMM,
this one is his brother's.
I felt like Steve Irwin again this week, minus the crocodiles. Anyways, we started it off last week hiking up to some abandoned lead Mines. And no they are not as cool as they sound. They are actually blocked off because its like a sanctuary for bat's now. On the way back a frog jumped in front of me. So I grabbed him of course and made him my pet. His name is Abraham. I set him free and went on our way. Then Elder McCormick found some ticks on his knees!
Earlier that day we found a caterpillar and put him in some radishes that an Elder had left growing last transfer. When we got back to the apartment later that night the caterpillar was nowhere to be found. So we started cooking up some burgers, they were fantastic. We had the door open as well to air out the place and because it felt good outside. So the smell of the burgers slipped outside. A few of our neighbors were out chilling on their porch and one of them yelled and asked if we were cooking ribs. We said no, but we are cooking up some burgers, and asked if he wanted one. So as I was walking out to give him a burger I noticed the little caterpillar fighting for his life in a spider web. The neighbor started asking questions about the gospel too. So while I was talking about the Book of Mormon with this man chomping down on our burger, I was also saving the caterpillars life. He was spazzing around in the web so it was hard to get him, but he is safe now. Another one of our neighbors was listening in on the conversation we were having and is interested, and is now taking the lessons.
The next day I was out reading the Book of Mormon on the porch when I noticed two chipmunks were running around. Elder McCormick saw them too. So we grabbed some nuts, and long story short we have two pet chipmunks now. One's name is Sam, and the others name is Jedidiah, Jedi for short. Jedi is a little shy, and Sam is really outgoing. Sam sits in my hand now. (yes we wash our hands after holding them mom). They come out every time they see us now. They're awesome!
It's been pretty fun and busy with the trio though. It's gonna be sad to see it broken up. We got transfer Calls this week, and I get the privilege to stay in the retirement city for one more transfer. Elder McCormick will be area training two missionaries for two weeks and then leaving me for Lawrence Massachusetts. So I'll be the last of the original district. Anyways, that means I'll have two six month areas! I also realized that it means I will have gone a year as the youngest person in the district, finally I'll have made it one whole year without serving around a sister. Awesome right!😂😁
I know that the Lord will bless us if we just keep trying to do the right thing. So if any of y'all are having a rough go in life at the moment, just keep on keeping on and follow the Lord. Pray to God and ask for help. He loves you and he hasn't forgotten about you. I know that He doesn't forget about His children, even the ones out in the middle of the north woods of New Hampshire.

My kids are getting big!
Not one of my kids.
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