Hey everyone! This week was pretty good! Whenever we have holidays in our mission that fall on a Monday, we push our pdays back a day. This always throws off the schedule a little bit and leaves us with a lot of extra finding time. So yesterday we grabbed some paper, pens, a crusty basket, and some American flags and hit the streets. We walked around and talked with a ton of people and asked them if they would write a little note for the veterans and we would deliver to the VA. Most people did, but then some people said they were too busy. I was about to tell some of these people that they weren't too busy for you, and some gave literally their lives so they could be here. But it's all good. We talked with some good people.
Elder Anderson and I had a good exchange this past Friday. We taught a couple of lessons with this Greek guy Brother Andreadokis. He was going crazy telling us all about the island of Samos that he's from and that Greek is the best language😂. He taught me some, and it's pretty cool. He even wrote a book, it's called From Pythagoras To Salt Lake City. We had the opportunity to be at the baptism of the woman I interviewed and it was awesome! The Matkins from the office were randomly in town and we invited them to teach her with us the night before, and it went great! They were so happy to have us invite them to teach! The church needs more senior couple missionaries, they're the best!
This week a lot of wildlife came out. I was looking at a bush outside the chapel and there were tons of bumble bees. Then I saw this monstrosity of a bumble bee come flying over. It was so gross looking, and I was like no way that's a bumble bee. I was right. A member googled it, and we found out it was a hummingbird moth bumble bee. Disgusting. Also found a salamander while stacking and chopping some wood. I thought it was a worm at first.
Anyways besides all of the animals and the exchanges we had a great week in the area. We are making some awesome progress with the people we are teaching, and I'm so happy we are teaching so much now. We helped our friend Bill out with his cows and stuff, and he has been keeping his commitments. The trees are finally getting their leaves. The sun was out for more then a day in a row, and we have the van back. Things are looking good here in Winthrop. We will be heading down to Manchester tonight for MLC so that will be a good time too.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Posted up with the Matkins in the Oxford apartment!
Our basket of notes for the VA.
Randomly stopped on the side of the road and found some new people to teach. They caught a fish while we were talking with them.

Brother Andreadokis gave us his book and we got him to sign it😂.

Hummingbird moth bumble bee!!!
New England's finest store.
Drive through Auburn.

My cow.
One of my fav 'Throp members caught a little yellow bird with his truck.
My salamander boy.

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