I have no idea of where to start this email. I guess I'll give the big news first. My time here in Boston is officially over. Last night I got a call and was told I'm being transferred to Saco Maine with the one and only ELDER PETERSEN! I was so excited when I told President this would be our 4th transfer together. But this is not what the Lord intended. I received a phone call earlier this morning from a distraught President Blair. He said he had been up tossing and turning all night thinking about my transfer, and he told me that he had a very distinct prompting that I needed not be with Elder Petersen again. So he told me my new transfer. He said he got up and looked in the mirror in the middle of the night and the Lord told him I needed to go elsewhere. That elsewhere is Winthrop Maine. It's a little more populated than Colebrook. So I'm going into Colebrook v2, but as a Zone Leader with Elder Ricks from my MTC district at my side. I'm sad, but obviously the Lord needs me there for something. I know it's going to be very hard, but I don't think I could possibly face an area harder than Colebrook with the state it was in when I got there. Speaking of Colebrook that area is on fire right now. There has been a string of baptisms ever since I left! Including 2 people I taught. I was so happy to hear that! Anyways I have learned so much from this area. I have seen miracles wrought by the hand of God that have built my testimony. I called Abela this morning and told her the news. I heard a long pause and she just started thanking me so much with a shaky voice. She told me that she is eternally grateful for me and Elder Solomon for changing her life, and that she will always keep in contact with me. Then she started telling me all how her life had changed since I first met her, and I was on the other end of the phone holding back my tears. I know that I came on my mission to find that family.
Anyways this week was awesome! It got hot this week. It was 65 degrees on Tuesday so we wore short sleeve shirts, and man I have missed the warmth. I'll be missing it even more here in a few days. We taught a ton of lessons this week too. Our friend Lenge came to church. We were just chilling in the pews after Sacrament started and out of nowhere this lil dude wearing a green jumpsuit pops up, and I realized it was Lenge! He finally came to church! He was straight balling😂 he was holding this red Bible that matched his shoes😂
I love the diversity of all the people out here, and I'm especially thankful for the people from the Dominican Republic, Tanzania, Haiti, Guatemala, El Salvador, Congo, and South America in general. I got to live in such a melting pot of a place, and experience so many different cultures. The world is a beautiful place, and I'm excited to learn more about those cultures when I get home. Have a great week everyone!
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