Well the highlight of my week by far was that Abela and Martin got approval from the Mission President and the Bishop to be baptized. So stay tuned, we may have ourselves a Tanzanian baptism party on the way! Elder solo and I prayed for a miracle for so long that they may be baptized, and I'm super happy that we are both going to get to see that day!
We had MLC this week too. We talked a lot about how God's goal is also our goal. And that is to help to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, and if we can realize that it will help everyone gather scattered Israel. We also were test running a new way to do real plays, and it involves being put on the spot. So President on the spot chose a companionship to teach two points in the Restoration with multiple teaching tools to some members of the Mission Presidency. He scanned the room looking for a companionship to choose, and he passed Elder Solo and I, but then he turned back and was like "You!" so we got to teach in front of everyone. It was fun though!
Also it gets dark at 4 now so #rip.
We spent Halloween in the one and only Salem Massachusetts. We set up shop next to an old cemetery! It was really cool, I got a picture of some of the people who were buried there. Some other Elders found a house where Joseph Smith stayed too! Salem was full of wayyyyyy fancy Halloween costumes! I tried inviting so many people in costume to learn about the gospel. We met a lot of members from around the county too! Walking around Salem on Halloween may have not been the best idea though. We got the word out to a lot of people, but also a lot of people thought we were dressed up, and we got complemented on our costumes a few times😂 It was a great conversation starter though! I'll definitely never forget hitting the streets of Salem with Elder Spice on Halloween though!
Cool hike in Lynn Woods.
We had the idea to set up a booth in Salem on Halloween.

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