There were a lot of random things that happened this week.
I got chased by a Islamic dude in robes in the city of Lynn while on exchanges with an Elder from Billerica. It all started out when we were sitting in the car, and we saw him sitting on some steps. I was like "we should give a Book of Mormon to that dude", at this point we didn't really see his robes. So we walked out of the car, and up to him, and he started yelling at us saying something about how our nations are falling, and his will be Supreme. Then some random special Cambodian dude who was sitting next to him was like "Why are you wearing that hat?" to this guy, and the guy went off on some tangent about his hat when the Cambodian guy was like "Take off the stupid hat!" then they started arguing and we thought we could make a breakaway at that point. So we start walking and this dude runs and grabs a long coat to put over his long robe, and starts running after us. Then the chase ensued😂😂 We made it around the block and back to the car, but our key fob is broken so I had to unlock it manually, and get in, and unlock the other door, and by the time the other Elder got in the car the dude had grabbed his arm, but he slammed the car door shut, and I took off into some traffic. I got a pamphlet from him though.
Same night I gave some Buddhist guy an Asian banana and he gave me a candle from Salem that calls upon spirits. So I tossed that thing. It was a good exchange though. We got a lot of teaching and finding in!
I had the opportunity to interview a man named Jesus for baptism. Somehow an hour and 20 minutes flew by. We talked about repentance, and the atonement, and he told me some great stories about his life. After we were through he really wanted me to come to his baptism this next week, but I told him the chances were pretty slim. I'll get the pics of it though, and send them next week.
Its been a good week. We've been using the phrase gird up your loins a lot recently for some reason. We said it at a members house, and he asked us if we even knew what it meant. I was like " yeah it means get to work" he told me I was correct but then he showed me a step by step picture on how to physically gird up your loins. So pretty much I wish we all proselyted in robes, so I could gird up my loins on the daily. Anyways, everyone gird up your loins and get to work!
Zone Conference