This week was insane!! Insanely awesome that is.
Being here in Boston we are always busy with something. I'll give a brief overview of what we did this week. Tuesday was Mission Leaders Conference, Wednesday was interviews with President Blair, Thursday was Zone Conference, and Friday we went to the temple with some recent converts, the Escobar family. They are awesome!!! I feel like I'm homies with them already! And finally Saturday we had the baptism for Omar our miracle man. So it made for a fun week.
We have 2 new people on date for baptism now! They both randomly showed up with different people to church last Sunday, and we met with them a few times over the week, and they both want to be baptized. One's name is Bill, and he has a mohawk. The meal calendar was passing around the chapel, and he signed up to feed us! He signed up to feed us a few days before his baptism! Stanley is great too! He is from Tanzania, and loves God. He is super excited to be baptized too. He has an Uncle Frank who is less active who came to church on Sunday. He stood up during the announcements during the 5th hour, and he yelled "I'm Frank I haven't been here for 9 years, and it feels good to be home!" Everyone clapped and cheered. I love the diversity here!
When I recieved my call for the New Hampshire Manchester Mission, I never thought that I'd make it to Boston. So far I'm loving it. Also the rhyme made up for Lynn isn't true. I love that place😂
Prayer is true btw. We've been hitting our knees hard and praying for miracles. When you pray with the intent to act, you can change the world. Not only the world around you, but for others too. Have a good week!
The Boston Temple with the Escobars.
Brother Escobar wearing my tag.