Hey everyone! This week went by too fast! I don't remember much from it. I think that's a good thing. Working hard, and trying to save souls.
One thing I do remember happened earlier in the week. So in our mission we have to talk to literally everyone. It doesn't matter if they are on a 3 story balcony shaking a rug off. Anyways, we saw a big group of people and I kinda just slid myself in and said hi. Long story short and a few life stories later, we found out one of the people was a less active member who was baptized a few years back. They had fallen off the path, and said they wanted to start coming back to church, and bring their kids! So that was a miracle.
I had an exchange this week with Elder McCormick. We talked to a ton of people and literally everyone was denying us. I think people were starting to feel bad or something, because one of the people we talked to pulled up next to us in a car and gave us $20 to get lunch. That was pretty nice. So we got some real Canadian poutine.
Just a lot of regular missionary work out here. Oh yeah and I drove to Plymouth during a blizzard. That was exciting. Anyways I wish I could tell you more, but it's kinda a quiet life up here in the north country. I'm trying to change that though. Seems like most people up here are all set. If y'all could send a prayer out this way for me to find someone who isn't all set, that'd be great. Anyways love you guys. See ya!
Cool church
Teaching W. how to read.

Canada is only a few minutes away.
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