Hello everyone! Sorry I'm late to the party. Mission leaders decided to switch P day to a Tuesday this week and God wasn't having it, so we all ended up with no p day this week, buuuuut I've got time to email. So that's good. Anyways it's been a fun little week.
Not much different than the week before, but I had exchanges with the Randolph Elders, and I finally got to work in their area. While there I taught one of my top 5 restoration lessons! It was great. The woman we taught had some memory issues. When we told her about Joseph Smith and the first vision she told us she'd never forget that, and that it felt so right. Then we had a good time walking the streets of Berlin too, it was nice to be able to street contact again. It's something you take for granted when you're not in a rural area. Anyways it was a successful exchange and to end it, we watched Johnny Lingo until bed time. That's the best way to spend Friday nights on the mission😂
The weather this week has been straight crazy. I've never seen so much snow in my life. I'm getting ready to start squaring up with the stuff. So we had 2 separate snow storms come through this week. I'm pretty sure I'm turning into like a Tokyo street racer. I drifted a corner this past week and I totally thought we were gonna FALL off the road and die in a river, but I pulled it through, and I don't even know why, but I just yelled "I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER! " Me and my comp were laughing so hard. Besides that the snow just keeps falling.
Elder Stegeman Jr and I are staying together for at least one more transfer. We made it our goal to change Colebrook up. Earlier this week we were looking at the paper area books in our house, and we noticed that the missionaries have been doing the same routine each week since 2008. So we're gonna switch things up and try and find and meet people who haven't met the missionaries. It's actually pretty hard to do that in a small town, but I know we can do it. Hope everything is going good with you guys. See ya next week!
It's snowed a little bit here.
Visiting a frozen waterfall.
Me and Charlie

Hey, guess what, it snowed!
We didn't know what to eat so we made taco noodles...

and threw them in a tortilla.
Getting ready to get cold.
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