Monday, April 15, 2019

Week Ninety

I'm not sure what's going on right now out in Maine, but there's a reason Stephen King is able to write such good horror books. So late Saturday night we came out of a lesson after 9pm, and we had walked there. It was a good lesson with a less active man, and we talked about General Conference. Anyways as we were walking home, it was dark, and like always it was very quiet. As we were passing this old wrecked building, out of nowhere this man emerged from the darkness in a old creepy bunny costume holding the head in his hands, and told us he was calling the cops. It was so random and partially terrifying that I started laughing! You already know we invited him to learn though. Then last night we were in a lesson about 45 minutes from the chapel, and this guy told us he was going to go to the priesthood session of conference, but decided not to because someone told him there were too many deer on the road. He used the words "over 70 stupid deer" we didn't believe him, but then on the way home, it was wild. There were deer almost ramming into our car. It's like they were possessed or something! They kept appearing in the fog!

This week was really busy though. We had a stake coordination meeting in Topsham and got to meet with the Stake President and President Blair, and we talked business! I'll miss President when he leaves in the beginning of July. We had zone conference on Friday, and we got to meet as be called himself "The most hated man in the missionary workforce" it was the man behind the tiwis. That's the box they put inside missionary cars that track everything your car does, and yells at you for not complying to the law. It's usually not a problem but out in the hills and woods of Maine it's rough trying to follow the speed limit. So basically you have to ride your brakes all the time or your driving privileges are taken away. They put the rest of the new tiwis in our cars, and gave us a sermon on being safe.

We had some real good lessons this week, and unfortunately we found out Saphiras fathers records for his priesthood had been lost. So we now have to work on having him get his priesthood back so he can baptize his daughter. That shouldn't take too long though.

Things are going well here in Winthrop, and in the zone. Lots of good times and funny stories from this week. Hope you all have a good one! 

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