So this week was fun. I think I say that about every week though. I mean it's true though. I'm pretty sure every mission you go on you can have a good time though.
Anyways this week I did a lot of walking. We were cut about 150 miles off of our car this month so we are going to have to do our best walking everywhere. One thing about New England is that every city is connected by highways. So we have to walk on the side of the highway to go everywhere. It's safe though. There's plenty of room on the side of the road. We also found some new investigators that way. So that's a nice blessing.
The past two weeks we had a less active we had never seen before coming to church. We stopped her and asked her how she was doing and introduced ourselves. I kid you not this is what she said "Hi I'm Molly I want you over for dinner tomorrow." It was so awesome. So of course we went and had dinner with her. She has a cool background. So she just joined the church like 6 years ago, but when she got married her husband wouldn't let her go. Well let's just say her husband isn't a problem anymore. Haha. So she told us she wants to change her life and get it back on track. So after dinner she told us she wanted to meet more and go over all of the lessons again. Well, we planned an appointment for the next Wednesday. She told us she was going to get her friend Tony to come so that we could come into the house, but she said he wouldn't really be interested. We showed up Wednesday and not only was Tony there, but so was another girl named Molly. All three of them were engaged in the lesson and now Tony and the other Molly are now investigating the church. It was a cool miracle.
Another thing I've learned while being out here is what I want my future to be like. Every day I go in and out of broken homes, not only metaphorically, but physically. It helps to see these things now while I'm still young. It helps me build in my mind what kind of environment I want to be in when I'm older. And it will definitely be clean.
Overall this week was good. It was one of those filler weeks that happen before the fun starts. So I'd say it was pretty good. Also Rockland put up a huuuuge lobster trap tree. It's the biggest one in the world. There's probably only like 3 in the world, but still. I forgot to mention this, but we went up to Bangor for like a mini zone conference type of thing. Bangor is pretty cool. They've got a lot of people out there. So many that Brewer, the neighboring area was turned into a biking area. RIP to them in the winter. So that's a big deal for our mission. A lot of people probably don't realize this but my mission is pretty dang rural. So much that the word (boonie) was banned.
Anyways, I hope you all have a fun week, and have a great Thanksgiving.
Lobster Trap Tree in Rockland, Maine

Downtown Camden, Maine.
The Megunticook River literally runs THROUGH Camden.
The highway we walk on to travel to other towns.
Elder Peterson and a cat.

Members hooked us up with pizza.
Selfie of the week:
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