At Breakwater
Well everyone I'm
officially a greenie now. It took a long time but I made it. Ya know it's kinda
nice though. They say you're not really accountable for anything as a
missionary until you're not a greenie. So basically everything I do wrong or if
we mess up on something it's on my companionšš so that's one benefit.
Holy cow though this
transfer went by fast. I'm scared to see how fast the rest of my transfers go.
I can only imagine what they feel like when you've been out for like a year and
a half. I made it over 3 months now so that's cool. It feels like it's been
more than 3 months,, but they have also been the fastest 3 months of my life.
Well here's the news/
update on transfers...................... I'M STAYING IN
ROCKLAND! yeah boiiiiiii. All I wanted was one more transfer here and my wish
has been granted. Iām staying with Elder Petersen for at least 6 more weeks.
Crazy thing is our zone was nearly untouched. Yesterday we all got up and sang
at stake conference with the youth and President and Sister Blair were there.
After practicing with the youth all of us went down and started to talk to all
of our members. When we finished Elder Petersen and I went up to President
Blair and started chatting with him. He literally gave us our transfer calls on
the spotš He told us how well we were working and that
this next transfer we were going to really click. So we didn't get any of the
excitement from waiting for a phone call, President Blair just gave us the
lowdown right then and there. After stake conference we held an impromptu
meeting and he told us that when he prayed about switching our Bangor zone, the
Lord basically slapped him and told him to keep it the same. So only 4
companionships from the entire zone are changing. 3 of which have to change
because the Elders from them are going home. Peace out elder Sabiskyāļøš It's crazy how some people you just have that instant friendship. He
was in my zone not even my district. I only got to hang out with him probably 5
times, but we are already planning on partying after my mission. Haha no need
to worry about that though. Still got a lot of work to do.
So there was a storm
this week. It was quite the storm I guess you could say. It happened on
Monday morning. It was raining and there were some pretty strong gusts of wind.
Since leaves were on trees still and it had been raining a little bit before
the storm hit, the leaves were holding a lot of water. So all of these trees
became top heavy. Then these powerful gusts of wind hit and it just began
uprooting all sorts of trees. It was crazy. It was the worst storm here in
Maine since the ice storms of ā98. Over 500,000 homes lost power. Ours
included. So we lost power on Monday and it didn't return until Saturday. It
was a pretty humbling experience. We had no water either. I really respect you
foreign missionaries without running water and power out there. I was washing
my clothes when the power went out and so I didn't really have much to wear
either. Luckily my branch is awesome and a sister from it washed my clothes.
Btw I don't know why no one has ever enlightened me, but FABRIC SOFTENER MAKES
YOUR CLOTHES SMELL SO GOOD. Hot dang I can still smell my clothes today. I got
like 5 compliments on how good my clothes smell. So we stayed with the Belfast
Elders until Saturday. Haha President and Sister Blair separately told us on
like 5 different occasions to check and clean our fridge. Luckily our fridge is
all safe, and nothing went bad in it. The neighbors ran an extension cord to it
and hooked it up for a few hours twice a day.
This week was crazy
though. With a lot of people without power and a lot of trees everywhere we set
out to go help some people. It was all fun and games until this dude had us
help him lift a wheelchair into his truck. This wasn't your everyday
wheelchair. This thing was like the xxwheelchair5000xx. It was honestly
probably 300 pounds. After a lot of creative thinking we were able to lift it
up and move it sideways into his truck.
A lot of cool experiences this week. Turns out I have 25 Catholic grandma's. We volunteer at a Catholic church. This past week we helped set up for a Christmas fair for them. There were like 25 old ladies there telling us what to do. Then they bombarded us with food and tried buying us a bunch of stuff.
I'm glad our power was
out so long, because it would have made our week sooooo different and not as
exciting. I'm alive though and I'm still healthy. Even if I had to survive off
of Halloween candy, and the soda we had in the fridge. Good times. I can say I
was part of the great windstorm of ā17. Haha
I hope all of you had a
safer week than I did and continue to do so. Byeeeeee.
The District:
Storm aftermath
(some borrowed from the mission page)
Selfies of the week:
Fresh cut
L.L. Bean tie thrifted from the Catholic thrift store they volunteer at each week
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