Monday, January 29, 2018
Week Twenty Seven
What a week. This week was probably the best week on my mission so far. It was full of memories I don't think I'll ever forget.
It started out really wet, and for some reason it seems as if we do our most walking when it's raining. I'm glad it was warm enough to rain. But we had a fun time.
I went on exchanges with Elder Swainston, that was a party! I love that elder. I actually love all the elders in my district. We are an all elders district, so we call ourselves the Elders Quorum. Anyways it was another day full of lots of walking and miracles. For our dinner appointment that night we went to a member whose family is an LDS singing group. Their name is Seer I think. It was really fun. They have family that wants to be baptized, so after the lesson we taught them the Restoration. It'll be fun to see them all be baptized together.
Friday marked 6 months in the field for me, and it was probably one of the most memorable days of my mission so far. It started out normal. We went to district meeting. Had a good time there, and signed all of each other's bye bye books and then went on our way. On out way home we went to Wendy's where I had the most interesting contact on my mission (you can hear the story in my weekly vlog). We had another dinner appointment that night with a few members and another investigator. After dinner we taught a lesson. During the lesson we started asking our investigator questions. We eventually got around to him recognizing how to feel the spirit. Then Elder Petersen and I gave him a baptismal date. We hadn't planned on giving him one, but it felt so right. He chose his baptismal date with guidance by the spirit, and he is really excited now. It was the strongest I've ever felt the spirit in a lesson. So that is going to be fantastic for him.
On Sunday the entire branch was freaking out, because we hadn't received transfer calls yet. They all were asking us to text them as soon as we got the chance. Waiting for transfer calls is one of the most anticipating things I've ever done. I swear it's like waiting for a new mission call. So we went about our day like normal but on edge waiting for the phone to ring. We had the opportunity to serve at the Pies on Parade. It was really fun, and the place we served at was handing out waffle bites. When it was over they gave us all of the leftovers, some really nice snacks, drinks, and sent us on our way. They were awesome people. To finish off the day - we got the call. We were the very last call of the day. It's been a fun time in here in Rockland, and I've really loved everything about it. I'm gonna miss a lot of people out here. I've made some friendships that will last me forever. For reals though, I am leaving Rockland. I will be heading out to Colebrook, NH. It the very top of New Hampshire! I'm excited to begin a new adventure. I'm sad to leave all of my investigators behind, but I know they are in good hands. A mission is amazing, and I'm so glad I have the opportunity to serve one :)
Me with my beloved Rockland :(
Me with the one and only Brother Bigney.
Brother Wunderli
Tri tip steak we made.
A beautiful property I was on earlier this week.
The district and it's knives.
Me on a rock.
The prison
It rained hard earlier this week.
Selfies of the week:
Monday, January 22, 2018
Week Twenty Six
So this week was pretty interesting. Another one of those weeks that kinda blur together and fly by. It makes me realize how short weeks are. Anyways we had some fun times this week.
On Tuesday we went on a walk with one of our investigators, and we taught the plan of salvation. It's the second walking lesson I've done. Before the lesson started, we were waiting at the Camden harbor for her to come, and I think I met the second coolest old guy in existence. (right behind my grandpa) This man was sitting on a bench playing old songs on the harmonica for his wife who was getting ice out of the boat down below. He was like in his 90s. He told us he started playing in '53. He played Somewhere Over the Rainbow for me!
Later that day we found ourselves in the basement of one of our investigators looking for the oil gauge. I have a funny video of that.
This week at the food pantry we were able to dump out all of the coffee they had. I have a video of that too. It was a beautiful experience.
We had interviews with President this week. It was really good. We talked about the future and goals. He asked me what I wanted to see myself as right before I'm about to go home from my mission, and what I wanted to say I've accomplished. I told him I wanted to be a great example. Just like some of the missionaries I met when I first got out into the field. President gave me basically a hype talk in there about the area of Rockland😂 He was talking about how a few transfers ago the area that the mission looked to as an example was Auburn. Then he told me it has changed, and it is now Rockland! So that was awesome to hear.
I love Rockland. Idk if it means Ill be staying here another transfer, but I can say that it is most definitely well prepared. We have 3 baptisms lined up for next transfer. So with the Clifford family luck I'll get transferred this coming transfer. I love the people here though, and it has really taught me well.
Anyways it's been a great week and I hope y'all are doing good out wherever you are. Remember to be happy! Don't let others bring you down, because you're you and you're awesome!
We shoveled someone's driveway and made them a snowman.
C took us to sushi!
Pictures of Camden from our walk with our investigator:
The local news station came to the food pantry we volunteer at once a week to film a segment on the annual fundraiser, Pies on Parade.
I made a burrito.
The cellar we had to go into IN THE DARK to check the oil gauge.

No selfies of the week?????
Monday, January 15, 2018
Week Twenty Five
(this is the road 10 feet from our barn/apartment)
I'd say this week went pretty well. It started off with a zone conference, so I got to see some missionaries that I don't normally get to see. At the zone conference we discussed some of this year's goals. Let's just say that these goals are definitely going to keep us missionaries busy. Anyways that was a good time though.
This past Sunday I spoke in Sacrament meeting, and it went great. I mixed strong gospel and humor into my talk. I felt like a stand up comedian up there. I spoke on missionary work, and after Sacrament meeting was over, everyone was all fired up to start doing missionary work. One of our members came up to us and told us about his less active brother who has a wife and a 9 year old who wants to get baptized. They all want to start taking the lessons! So that should be pretty awesome! With my luck though I'll get booted out of Rockland right in the middle of us teaching them😂 Everyone thought I was giving a farewell in my branch and they were telling me how much they were gonna miss me. I feel like it was the Lord's way of preparing me to get ready for a move. Who knows though.
The weather was beautiful Thursday through Saturday morning. It was in the upper 40s lower 50s. We wore short sleeves, and it actually felt like a summer morning to us out there! So that was a beautiful thing that happened this week. Until it literally dropped 45 degrees in the course of 3 hours and the whole state turned into a slip n slide park. I've heard Utah's had like nothing of a winter, and it's gonna be a drought of a summer. Just about all the snow melted outside because of the rain and it almost looks like summer out here.
We've got a few progressing investigators out here, and they're awesome. They could use some prayers for church attendance though. Because of the weather everyone either wants to stay inside and stay all warm and cozy, or are sick. Btw don't get the flu this year. A few of our investigators got it, and they look like they are actually dying.
Have a good week everyone and stay healthy and warm.
Zone Conference:
Elder Wendel!
Short sleeves!
Hanging in an investigator's house:
I made a calzone.
The ground after the January thaw.
Selfies of the week!
Monday, January 8, 2018
Week Twenty Four
What's good everyone?!
Another crazy fast week! It was pretty fun though, And full of miracles. So first off, I thought it was cold last week. My word it got cold this week. On Saturday it was - 10 in ellsworth with like 30 mph winds. (So -40 with wind chill). I literally felt the wind pierce my soul. Lot's of snow shoveling, I've contemplated cutting off my arms twice. And also Elder Petersen asked me to kill him with a snow shovel. Es cold. But we are fighters. I think I'm actually a new man because of it. This week was really interesting because of the weather. I survived the huge storm that hit. It snowed a good amount, and did some good shoveling. Funny thing real quick. The day before the storm it was super warm. It hit 25 degrees. When Elder Petersen and I stepped outside we started freaking out about how it felt like summer outside. It got to the point where it felt so warm to us, that we rolled up our sleeves while we were working outside at the soup kitchen. So I'm really excited that it's supposed to get to 40 degrees this week. Enough about the weather let's talk about some miracles.
So the day before the storm we were told to go to the store and collect food and water items. If you didn't know, everyone in Maine acts like the world is going to end before a storm, and they buy everything. Like random things too. Like all the birdseed was bought, because they felt bad for the birds outside. Anyways we picked up a few things and were heading out. While we were putting stuff in the car I sat down on my seat and got ready to go. That's when I saw two girls crossing like a huge snowbank in the parking lot, and they were looking over at us. That's when one of them shouted "Hey Elders!" we had never seen either of them so we jumped out of the car and said hi. She told us that she was researching our church and she was going to ask for a book of Mormon online, but she thought that they would just send one to her without missionaries, and she really wanted to meet with us. So she asked us if we had any book of Mormons or a Doctrine and Covenants. At this point Elder Petersen and I looked over at each other and we gave that what the heck is going on look to each other. So we gave her a Book of Mormon, and then she said and I quote "We would love to have you over for dinner, are there any meals that you would really like, or that you miss from home?" We were so confused but long story short we are having dinner with a family of seven this next Wednesday! So that was a crazy miracle.
Also this Friday we were doing our regular thing when all of a sudden the assistants called. Usually when the assistants call something crazy is gonna happen. So naturally they called and I walked over to my suitcase and got ready to start packing. But they asked if they could stay over at our apartment for the night. So basically we had a party with the assistants for the night. They don't really believe in sleep, so it was the first time I've stayed up until like 1 since my first day out in the field. And that first time was with the assistants too😂
Another miracle this week was a referral. The referral was for a Bible. So we called the guy, and I asked him if he'd like a message about Christ while we stopped by over there. Then he told us that he wasn't interested in Mormonism. So yesterday we stopped by his house and knocked on the door, and a really common thing for people around here is to just yell "come in!" so we walk into random peoples houses all the time. Anyways we walked into their house, and there was a whole little family sitting there just ready to be taught. We gave the Bible to Tony, and he told us how he's trying to get his life back on track. So now we are teaching another little family.
I'm grateful for weeks like this where you can find so many people to teach. We found 10 new investigators this week. One of them is the Captain of the Salvation Army in Rockland. So that's cool. Each one of these individuals were placed in our paths this week, and I'm excited to see how the lessons go with them this upcoming week.
Anyways I know that New England is where I'm supposed to be for now. It's rough at times walking around in constant sub zero temperatures, but I know that it is worth it. Being a missionary has definitely already changed my life, and I know it's changed the lives of others. I love you all, and I hope you all have a great week.
It's cold outside, and I look like a bank robber, but there's nowhere else I'd rather be! Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ has brought me great happiness, and I know you too can feel the same happiness,and more by striving to follow the example set by Christ!
Cool sunset behind us.
We made lamb and potatoes while we were snowed in.
Downtown Camden, ME
Lobster traps
Our Christmas tree that we set on fire.
Selfie of the week:
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